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An occasional episode of constipation is very common; however, some people experience chronic constipation that can interfere with their ability to go about their daily tasks. Typically lasting for more than several weeks, chronic constipation can significantly affect one’s quality of life.

Symptoms of chronic constipation

Less than three bowel movements/ week Straining /hard and lumpy stools more than 25 per cent of the time Feeling of incomplete evacuation more than 25 per cent of the time Stomachache, cramps and bloating Feeling of fullness with loss of desire to eat, nausea Extremely foul-smelling stools and flatulence Using hands to press on abdomen or using a finger to remove stool from rectum

Causes of constipation

A diet that is poor in fiber and water intake Ignoring the urge to pass stool ( common in children ) A side-effect of certain medications e.g. iron supplements, anti-depressants Lack of exercise Hormonal problems like Hypothyroidism.

In some cases, there is no malfunction in the digestive process and stools are formed normally. However, the problem is an inability to smoothly evacuate stools out of the rectum i.e. excretion of stools. This condition is called Obstructed Defecation Syndrome ( ODS ) and it may be due anatomical abnormality of the pelvic organs.

Healing Hands Clinic ( HHC ) provides the finest care to those suffering from chronic constipation. Proctologist Dr Ashwin Porwal ( Founder, HHC ) has devised a treatment technique labelled MCDPA, which is an amalgamation of modern science, Ayurveda and pelvic floor physiotherapy.

M: Medicines

C : Constac

, an herbal product formulated by experts at HHC

D: Diet

charted by nutritionists

P : Pelvic floor physiotherapy

to strengthen pelvic muscles

A : Ayurvedic oil therapy

In cases with ODS, no amount of medicines work and a surgical correction is needed in the form of STARR ( Stapled Trans Anal Rectal Resection ) surgery. Patients who were suffering from constipation for decades have been successfully treated with this procedure. Dr Porwal has presented papers on the success of this technique at various international conferences. He was the first to perform this surgery in Maharashtra in 2009. HHC is a certified ‘Center of Excellence in Proctology’ by world renowned colorectal surgeon, Dr Antonio Longo. Dr Ashwin also received the Young Entrepreneur award recently.

For appointments Healing Hands Clinic

Pune Station/Tilak Rd: 8888288884
Salunkhe Vihar: 8888522226
Baner: 8888622221
Chinchwad: 8888200004
Chakan: 8888296666
Navi Mumbai: 88881 66667
Kemps Corner – Mumbai : 88882 6664
Nashik: 88883 66662.

व्हेरिकोज व्हेन्सपासून मुक्तता मिळवा

व्हेरिकोज व्हेन्सपासून मुक्तता

व्हिरिकोज व्हेन्स हा पायांना होणारा आजार आहे. हा आजार म्हणजे शिरांची एकप्रकारची पिळवणूक असून, त्यामुळे त्यांची लवचिकता हळूहळू कमी होऊन अंतिम टप्प्यात नष्ट होते. शिरांमधील व्हॉल्व्ह मागील बाजूनं काम करणं कमी करतात, म्हणजे तिथला रक्तप्रवाह खंडीत होतो. यामुळे पुढच्या बाजूनं त्या रक्त अक्षरश: मागं खेचतात. विशेषत: महिलांमध्ये व्हेरिकोज व्हेन्सचा त्रास सौंदर्याशी निगडीत असल्यानं त्या याबाबत फारच ताण घेतात.

व्हेरिकोज व्हेन्सची कारणं

-सातत्यानं उभं राहून काम करण्याची पद्धत
-गरोदरपणा. गर्भनिरोधक गोळ्यांचा नियमित वापर
-वय, स्थूलपणा, पायांचं दुखणं किंवा शस्त्रक्रिया


-पाय कुरूप दिसण्यास सुरुवात
-पायाला जडत्त्व येणं. सतत दुखणं.
-घोटा आणि तळपायाला सूज
-खाज आणि घोट्याजवळील त्वचेचा रंग नाहीसा होणं
-पायात चमक भरणं, मुंग्या येणं

वर उल्लेख केलेली लक्षणं ही अगदी प्राथमिक स्वरुपाची आहेत, त्याकडे वेळीच लक्ष दिलं नाही, तर ही लक्षणं गंभीर रुप धारण करतात आणि त्यांची गुंतागुंत वाढते.
-थ्रोम्बोफ्लेबिटिस : म्हणजे सुजलेल्या वाहिन्यांमध्ये रक्ताच्या गाठी होणं
-व्हेरिकोज एक्झिमा किंवा डरमॅटिटिज् : त्वचा कोरडी बनते. सतत खाज सुटते. सतत त्वचा नखानं खाजवल्यानं तिथं जखम होते, रक्त येतं आणि या वेदना सहन होत नाहीत. हे व्रण जात नाहीत. थकवाही खूप जाणवतो.
-लिपोडरमॅटोस्केरोसिस : यामध्ये त्वचा रूक्ष, कडक बनते.

निदान स्पष्ट असतं; पण व्हिनोस कलर डॉपलर टेस्ट ही (शिरासंबंधित चाचणी) मूल्यांकन करणारी यंत्रणा आहे. लक्षणं दिसू लागल्यानंतर काही महिला सौंदर्यतज्ज्ञांकडून सल्ला मागतात. अनेकींच्या बाबतीत लक्षणांमध्ये गुंतागुंत दिसू लागल्यानंतरच सल्लामसलत केली जाते. पहिल्याच टप्प्यांत लक्षणं आटोक्यात आणणं शक्य आहे. यासाठी जीवनशैलीत बदल, औषधांचा वापर आणि व्हिनोस स्टॉकिंग्जचा वापर अशी उपचारपद्धती अस्तित्त्वात आहे. हा आजार वाढल्यानंतर अॅक्टिव्ह ट्रिटमेंट घेणं अत्यंत गरजेचं बनतं. हिलिंग हँड क्लिनिकमध्ये व्हेरिकोज व्हेन्सवर उपचार करण्यासाठी अनेक सुविधा उपलब्ध आहेत. लेझरच्या साहाय्यानं व्हेन्सवर उपचार करणं शक्य आहे, त्यासाठी इंडोव्हेनोस लेझर अॅब्लेशन ही पद्धती वापरली जाते. यासाठी साधारणत: ३० ते ४५ मिनिटांचा कालावधी लागतो. उपचारादरम्यान आणि नंतर रूग्णाला फार कमी प्रमाणात अवघडलेपण जाणवेल. उपचाराच्या दुसऱ्याच दिवशी रूग्ण त्याचं दैनंदिन काम करायला सुरुवात करू शकतात, हे विशेष.

डॉ. परेश गांधी हे व्हेरिकोज व्हेन्समधले तज्ज्ञ असून, हिलिंग हँड क्लिनिकनं आत्तापर्यंत मोठ्या संख्येनं या उपचारपद्धतीच्या माध्यमातून रुग्णांना यशस्वीरित्या बरं केलंय.

अपॉइन्मेंटसाठी संपर्क : हिलिंग हँड क्लिनिक

  • नवी मुंबईः ८८८८१ ६६६६७
  • दक्षिण मुंबईः ८८८८२ ६६६६४
  • ढोले पाटील रॊड : ८८८८२ ८८८८४
  • पिंपरी-चिंचवडः ८८८८२ ००००४
  • बाणेरः ८८८८६ २२२२१
  • साळुंके विहारः ८८८८५ २२२२६
  • चाकणः ८८८८२ ९६६६६
  • नाशिक: ८८८८३ ६६६६२

वेबसाइट :
ई-मेल आयडी

Oz Doc Finds Cure in Pune After Spending 3 yrs in Pain

What is anal fistula

An error in clinical judgement literally turned a young doctor’s life into a nightmare for three long years, during which he consulted six specialists who treated him for everything, but

complex anal fistula

— the condition he was suffering from.

It was only after Aamir

(33), a Bangladeshi practising as a doctor in Australia, consulted a doctor in Pune that he was diagnosed correctly. He was operated upon here on January 17.

Aamir used to have intermittent pain in his bottom after passing off the stool. “The pain would go away within two to three days to resurface again,” he said, adding that the first episode of tremendous pain and large abscess formation occurred in July 2015.

In 2016, he was almost bedridden due to the condition. He lost 22kg weight in four months as he could eat only two bread slices to avoid defecation.

Aamir attributed the cause of his condition to lactose intolerance. “My liking for milk aggravated my problem to the extent that I ended up injuring my bowel,” he said.

Aamir initially consulted doctors at a hospital in Australia, but his condition did not improve. He then consulted another specialist who “misdiagnosed his symptoms as that of anal fissure”.

In February 2016, Aamir had his colonoscopy done at another hospital in Australia where doctors found a lesion in the lower bowel on the left side. “But they completely misdiagnosed it as a mucosal prolapse,” he said.

As the pain persisted, the doctors did a CT scan on Aamir’s earnest request and admitted him to a hospital on September 2, 2016. “This was the time that I had my first abscess drain surgery. But sadly, the doctors did not find any opening in my rectal wall. Eventually, I had seven abscess drain surgeries done and every time the treating doctors failed to find an internal opening or fistula,” Aamir alleged. Frustrated and sullen, Aamir came across the work of Pune-based proctosurgeon Ashwin Porwal while browsing on internet for a probable cure to his condition. He eventually flew down to Pune in January 2018.

When contacted, Porwal said, “Recurrent abscess have tendency to form fistula. To obtain accurate diagnosis, we do 3D endo anal pelvic floor imaging. This facility is available at select places across the world,” said Porwal.

Aamir is doing well postsurgery.

बद्धकोष्ठतेसाठी आता समग्र उपचार

बद्धकोष्ठतेसाठी आता समग्र उपचार

बद्धकोष्ठता या आजाराविषयी आपल्यापैकी अनेकजण मोकळेपणाने बोलत नाही, पण हा आजार खूप गंभीर स्वरुप धारण करू शकतो त्यामुळे त्यावर बोलणे किंवा उपचारात टाळाटाळ करणे योग्य नसते. प्रत्येक व्यक्तीनुसार बद्धकोष्ठतेच्या आजाराची लक्षणे वेगवेगळी असू शकतात, पण त्याबाबतची प्रमुख लक्षणे खालीलप्रमाणे आहेत.

  • १. आठवड्यातून तीनपेक्षा कमी वेळा मलविसर्जन होणे.
  • २. कडक विष्ठा (मल) – (२५ टक्के वेळा)
  • ३. शौचास जाऊन आल्यानंतरही पोट साफ न होणे (२५ टक्के वेळा)

आपल्या आहारात फळे, भाज्यांचे किंवा फायबरचे प्रमाण पुरेसे नसल्यामुळे बद्धकोष्ठतेचा आजार जडतो. मधुमेहाला कारणीभूत ठरणारी बैठ्या कामाची व शरीराला अपायकारक ठरणाऱ्या प्रोसेस्ड फूडची जीवनशैलीही बद्धकोष्ठतेला कारणीभूत ठरते.पाणी कमी प्यायल्यामुळे पोटातील आतड्यातील (कोलन) ओलसरपणा कमी होतो व त्या परिस्थितीमध्ये बद्धकोष्ठतेचा आजार निर्माण होतो. या परिस्थितीमध्ये मोठ्या आतड्यातील पाणी शोषून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न आपले शरीर करते. पाण्याच्या कमतरतेमुळे मल (विष्ठा) मऊ न राहता ती कडक होते आणि कोलनमधून सरकण्यास अडचण निर्माण होते.

बद्धकोष्ठतेच्या आजाराने ग्रस्त लोक अनेकदा लॅक्सेटिव्ह्सचा वापर करतात. त्याचा वापर करणे योग्य नसते कारण लॅक्सेटिव्ह्स म्हणजे एकप्रकारे आपल्या आतड्यामध्ये छोटा बाँब फुटण्यासारखे असते. आतड्याला त्रास देऊन मलविसर्जनाची प्रक्रिया पार पाडण्याचे काम लॅक्सेटिव्ह्स करतात. त्यामुळे आतड्यातील स्नायू कृत्रिमरित्या मलविसर्ग क्रिया करतात व आतड्याला आळशी बनवतात. या क्रियेमुळे वारंवार बद्धकोष्ठता निर्माण होते आणि लॅक्सेटिव्ह्सवरील तुमचे अवलंबन वाढते.

हिलिंग हँड्स क्लिनिकचे संस्थापक व प्रसिद्ध कोलोरेक्टल सर्जन डॉ. अश्विन पोरवाल म्हणाले, अनेक व्यक्तींना बद्धकोष्ठता म्हणजे काय आणि तो आजार आपल्याला झाला आहे की नाही याची कल्पना नसते. आपल्या दैनंदिन आयुष्याचा भाग म्हणून लोक या आजाराच्या त्रासाची सवय करून घेतात. आहार व जीवनशैलीतील बदलांनाही प्रतिसाद न देणाऱ्या ऑब्स्ट्रक्टेड डिफेकेशन सिंड्रोम (ओडीएस) म्हणजेच वारंवार बद्धकोष्ठतेच्या गंभीर स्वरुपाचा त्रास अनेक रुग्णांना होत असल्याचे आम्हाला दिसून येते. ओडीएसचे निदान करण्यासाठी असलेली एमआरआय डिफिकोग्राफी चाचणी पुण्यात पहिल्यांदाच आमच्या क्लिनिकमध्ये उपलब्ध करून देण्यात आली आहे.

बद्धकोष्ठतेच्या प्राथमिक टप्प्यातील अवस्थेसाठी क्लिनिकमध्ये एमसीडीपीए या उपचार पद्धतीचा वापर केला जातो. या पद्धतीमध्ये आहार नियंत्रण, फिजिओथेरपी आणि हर्बल ऑईलचा वापर केला जातो. आजाराच्या प्रगत टप्प्यासाठी स्टार (स्टेपल्ड ट्रान्स अँनल रेक्टल रिसेक्शन) शस्त्रक्रियेचा पर्याय उपलब्ध असतो. या शस्त्रक्रियेचा अवलंब वैद्यकीय क्षेत्रातच पहिल्यांदा करणाऱ्या डॉ. पोरवाल यांच्या मते रुग्णांसाठी ही उपचार पद्धती म्हणजे वरदान आहे.

बद्धकोष्ठता होऊ नये यासाठी

  • १. भरपूर पाणी व द्रव्यांचे सेवन करा
  • २. आहारात भरपूर भाज्या व फायबरचे प्रमाण ठेवा
  • ३. आहारात ओमेगा-३ चा ही समावेश करावा
  • ४. नियमित व्यायाम करा

बऱ्याचदा बद्धकोष्ठतेसह महिलांमध्ये आणखी एक आजार आढळून येतो. खोकल्यानंतर किंवा शिंकल्यानंतर लघवीवरील नियंत्रण सुटून लघवीचे काही थेंब बाहेर येतात. तसेच ओटीपोट जड झाल्यामुळे अपूर्ण लघवी होते व त्यामुळे वारंवार लघवीला जावे लागते. या स्थितीला पेल्विक ऑर्गन प्रोलॅप्स (पीओपी) असं म्हणतात. डॉ. पोरवाल म्हणाले, पीओपीच्या सुरवातीच्या टप्प्यात फिजिओथेरपी (किगल प्रकारचे व्यायाम) आणि बायोफिडबॅक या प्रकारच्या उपचारांनी लक्षणे कमी करू शकतो. आजाराच्या प्रगत टप्प्यात नव्याने विकसित केलेल्या पेल्विक ऑर्गन प्रोलॅप्स सस्पेंशन (पीओपीएस) शस्त्रक्रिया फायदेशीर ठरते.

अधिक माहितीसाठी भेट द्या किंवा संपर्क करा ८८८८२८८८८४

  • ढोले पाटील रॊड : ८८८८२ ८८८८४
  • पिंपरी-चिंचवडः ८८८८२ ००००४
  • बाणेरः ८८८८६ २२२२१
  • साळुंके विहारः ८८८८५ २२२२६
  • चाकणः ८८८८२ ९६६६६
  • दक्षिण मुंबईः ८८८८२ ६६६६४
  • नवी मुंबईः ८८८८१ ६६६६७
  • नाशिक: ८८८८३ ६६६६२



Varicose veins, commonly observed in legs, are enlarged tortuous veins that have lost their elasticity. A vein goes varicose when it’s valves are unable to prevent backflow, thus causing pooling of blood. Varicose veins are quite often a cosmetic concern, specially in women.
Diagnosis is straightforward, but a Venous Color Doppler test is done to assess the extent of the problem. In the absence of symptoms, many women seek treatment for cosmetic concerns, whereas in most others it becomes mandatory once complications ensue. The problem can be arrested at an early stage by certain lifestyle changes, medicines and using venous stockings. Once the disease has advanced, active treatment becomes necessary.

Although Not Common,Varicose Veins can lead to Complication Like :

• Thrombophlebitis: Blood clots in the swollen veins › Varicose eczema / Dermatitis: Skin becomes dry and itchy. The resultant scratching may further lead to bleeding, bruising and painful ulceration.
• Lipodermatosclerosis: The skin turns hard and tough.


• Genetics
• Standing for long hours
• Pregnancy, use of birth control pills
• Age, obesity or leg injury


• Unsightly appearance
• Dull ache, heaviness
• Swelling of ankles and feet
• Itching and discoloration of skin near ankles
• Cramping

Healing Hands Clinic has state-of-the-art facilities to treat VARICOSE VEINS. The veins are treated with laser by a procedure called Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). The whole treatment takes approximately 30-45 minutes. During the treatment as well as afterwards, the patient hardly feels any discomfort. Patients can return to their daily activities on the next day of the treatment. Dr Paresh Gandhi, VARICOSE VEINS expert at Healing Hands Clinic has successfully treated a large number of cases using EVLA technique.

For appointments Healing Hands Clinic, Pune Station/Tilak Rd: 8888288884; Salunkhe Vihar: 8888522226; Baner: 8888622221; Chinchwad: 8888200004; Chakan: 8888296666; Website: ; Email:

हर्निया म्हणजे काय?

हर्निया कारण व उपचार

अगदी सोप्या शब्दात सांगायचे झाल्यास आपल्या पोटातील स्नायू जेव्हा कमजोर बनतात आणि सततच्या खोकल्यामुळे किंवा लघवी व बद्धकोष्ठतेमुळे जोर करावा लागल्यामुळे हर्निया होतो. हर्निया होतो म्हणजे आपल्या शरीरातील नैसर्गिक किंवा अनैसर्गिक छिद्रांतून एखादा अवयव, इंद्रिय किंवा त्या अवयवाचा भाग बाहेर येतो. (उदाहरणार्थ खराब टायरमधून बाहेर येणाऱ्या आतल्या ट्युबच्या फुगवट्याप्रमाणे)

हर्निया म्हणजे आंत्रगळ किंवा आंत्रवृद्धि किंवा अंत्रनिःसरण. पोटातील कमजोर स्नायूंमुळे निर्माण झालेल्या पोकळीत आतडी ओढली जाते व त्यामुळे पोट फुगते किंवा छोटा-मोठ्या आकाराचा फुगवटा दिसायला लागतो आणि पोट दुखायला लागते. हर्निया पुरुषांसह स्त्रियांमध्येही तसेच कोणत्याही वयोगटाच्या व्यक्तीला होऊ शकतो. हर्नियाची लक्षणे किरकोळ वाटली तरी ती कधीही आढळू शकतात. बालकांमध्ये आढळणारा डांग्या खोकला, सज्ञान व्यक्तींमध्ये असलेला दमा, धुम्रपानामुळे येणारा खोकला तसेच अतिजड वस्तू, वजन उचलल्यामुळे हर्निया होतो.

हर्नियापासून बचाव

अशक्तपणा जाणवणे, पोटात आग होणे, दुखणे तसेच खोकला काढल्यावर किंवा झोपल्यावर पोटातील जांघेतील फुगा न दिसणे किंवा काहीतरी जडान्न खाल्ल्यानंतर खोकला येणे व दुखणे ही हर्नियाची लक्षणे आहेत. त्यामुळे हर्नियापासून बचाव करायचा असेल तर, ताण पडेल, पोट दुखेल व अस्वस्थता वाढेल असे कोणतेही काम शरीरावर लादू नका. हर्नियाकडे दुर्लक्ष न करता त्यावर तज्ज्ञ डॉक्टरांकडून शस्त्रक्रिया किंवा अन्य उपचार घ्या. उपचार न केल्यास हर्नियाचा आकार वाढतो व पुढे तो जिवाला धोकादायक बनू शकतो.

थ्री-डी मेश हर्निया रिपेअर शस्त्रक्रियेचे फायदे

  • कमीतकमी टाके
  • हर्नियापासून खात्रीशीर सुटका, पुन्हा हर्निय उद्भवत नाही
  • अंशतः भूल देऊन शस्त्रक्रिया शक्य
  • रुग्णाची हॉस्पिटलमधून २४ तासात सुटका, जलदगतीने बरे वाटते
  • तीसऱ्या दिवसापासून दैनंदिन कामांना सुरवात करू शकतात

हिलिंग हँड्स क्लिनिक हे भारतातील एकमेव थ्री-डी हर्निया क्लिनिक आहे ज्याला अमेरिकेतली डॉ. जॉन मर्फी यांच्याकडून सेंटर ऑफ एक्सलन्सने प्रमाणित केले आहे.

– हर्नियावरील शस्त्रक्रिया केल्यानंतर रक्तस्त्राव व संसर्गाची शक्यता असते. मधुमेह, व्यसनी व्यक्ति तसेच ज्येष्ठ नागरिकांमध्ये हा धोका अधिक असतो. परंतु डॉक्टर चांगला असल्यास रक्तस्त्राव अजिबात होत नाही तसेच संसर्गही अँटीबायोटिक्सच्या सावध वापराने टाळता येतो.

– शस्त्रक्रियेला फक्त २० मिनिटे लागतात व रुग्णाला फक्त सुई टोचल्यासारखा भास होतो. यापेक्षा अधिक त्रास होत नाही.

– हर्निया असलेल्या आवश्यक तेवढ्याच भागापुरती भूल दिली जाते. शस्त्रक्रिया पूर्ण झाल्यानंतर तीन तासानंतर भुलीचा प्रभाव जातो.

– शस्त्रक्रियेनंतरच्या काही दिवसांमध्ये चालताना, जिना चढताना किंवा उतरताना त्रास होतो. हा त्रास गोळ्यांनी कमी होऊ शकतो तसेच काही

दिवसातच तो नाहीसा होतो.

– खूप ताप आल्यास, गोळ्यांनी दुखणे कमी न झाल्यास, रक्तस्त्राव होत राहिल्यास किंवा सतत उलटी करावी वाटल्यास तज्ज्ञ डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्यावा.

डॉ. अश्विन पोरवाल, कन्सलटंट प्रोक्टोसर्जन, हिलिंग हँड्स क्लिनिक
चौथा मजला, मिलेनियम स्टार एक्सटेन्शन,
रुबी हॉल क्लिनिकच्या जवळ,
ढोले पाटील रस्ता, पुणे.

अपॉइंटमेंटसाठी क्रमांक : ८८८८२८८८८४

Kshar Sutra: Is it the Ultimate Answer to Fistula?

Kshar Sutra Treatment

There are some diseases which are a real challenge, not only for the patient to endure but for the doctor to treat. Amongst them is anal fistula, where a channel is formed between the end of the bowel ( rectum or anal canal ) and the surrounding skin. The fortunate ones are affected with a simple fistula, however, the condition is often complicated with multiple interlinked channels and distant openings. These include recto-inguinal, recto-vaginal, ano-scrotal fistulas which are extremely troublesome.

A number of treatment options are available and thus there is always an ongoing debate about which one outmatches the other. Here we will have a look at

Kshar Sutra

, an age-old Ayurveda technique that has its origin in India. Kshar Sutra has mentions in the archaic Indian literature. It was supposed to be Sushruta’s ( ancient Indian surgeon known to have laid the foundations of surgery ) method of treating Bhagandara ( Sanskrit word for fistula ). The technique has been used since then, albeit modified with developing times. It makes the use of Seton – cotton thread impregnated with layers of medicinal plant extracts ( latex ). It takes about 4 weeks to prepare the Kshar Sutra. Other than fistula, it is also used for the treatment of other anorectal conditions like hemorrhoids, sentinel piles, polyps, warts and pilonidal sinus.

How does this ancient technique work in fistula-in-ano?

The Kshar Sutra is placed in the fistulous tract after giving appropriate anesthesia and both its ends are tied together. It is replaced at weekly intervals. The Kshar sutra remains in direct contact of the tract and, therefore, it physically and chemically curettes out the tract and sloughs out its lining, thereby allowing it to collapse and heal. It is a less invasive, cost efficient treatment. The complications are minimal; chances of loss of sphincter control and resulting anal incontinence are very low.

On the downside, Kshar Sutra is a multi-staged procedure and patients need to come to the hospital every week. The wound discharge is typically more as compared to other techniques. The healing time is also comparatively longer. Pain is a relative component, and whether Kshar Sutra is less or more painful than other procedures remains a matter of subjective variation. Although this technique provides satisfactory results in simple fistula, its efficacy in complicated ones remains debatable.

Bottom line :

Kshar Sutra has withstood the test of time and thus, its credibility cannot be denied. The best approach would be to get it done from a skilled Proctologist who can combine it with other modalities for an effective treatment.

Don’t Confuse Fissure with Piles

Don’t Confuse Fissure with Piles

For most of us any problem in the anal region is either piles or fissure, the self-diagnosis usually depending upon which of the two words is ingrained in our vocabulary. However, a goofed-up diagnosis not only adds to the misery but makes a simple problem complex. I have tried to explain the difference between the two in simple words here. When it comes to one’s health, its best to be well-informed and aware of the condition one is faced with.

What is the difference between piles and fissure?

Piles or hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels near the anal opening whereas fissure is a tear in the delicate skin of the anal opening. Depending upon the severity of the disease, piles are graded from 1 to 4, grade 1 having just swollen vessels while grade 4 has a mass comes out of the opening.

What is the difference in symptoms?

The predominant symptom of a fissure is intense pain while defecating. The magnitude of the pain is such that one fears going to the toilet.
Piles are usually characterized by bleeding after passing stools. The blood is fresh and there is no pain. Sometimes one may feel a mass at the anal opening.

Which tests are needed for a diagnosis?

A history of symptoms and visual examination is enough to diagnose fissure. In addition to above, a simple painless technique called Proctoscopy is done in case of hemorrhoids, for a more accurate diagnosis and grading.

Can these conditions be permanently treated?

Modern medicine assures a reliable, quick and effective cure of anorectal problems. Medicines, dietary modifications and lifestyle changes (MCDPA) are enough to treat early piles and acute fissure. In case of chronic cases of fissure, Laser Sphincterotomy provides excellent results. Similarly, for higher grades of piles, Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP) or Stapler surgery (MIPH) provide a safe, minimally painful and efficient modality of treatment. The earlier techniques weren’t as developed and recurrences were a problem. But with these advanced procedures hemorrhoids can be cured for good.

À la carte or Buffet?

À la carte vs Buffet

There has always been a question of buffet Vs à la carte popped in too many times when asked for recommendations to eat out. We as Indians love a good spread of delicacies. After all, who does not want to have that extra helping of a dessert or a bit more of chicken curry. Thus , the major conundrum in taking decision is to stick to a buffet or go in for à la carte?

A buffet is an ultimate choice when heading out in large groups . It is simply cost effective, and everyone has a choice to stretch their hands and stock their plates with favourite food items.

A point in favour of buffet is it allows us to move while picking on food. But, little do we know that this movement is not helping burn calories as we are loading our plates with more food or simply making rounds to try each food.

When opting for à la carte and ordering at the table, we pick on the choices our mind is in a frame of eating. We know how palatable the food would be as compared to the ones on the buffet spread.

So, it is highly recommended nutritionally to focus eating from à la carte menu when ordering for individual or a small company.

Remember our small tuck pocket called stomach has certain capacity to fill in the load and so are our senses. It is commonly seen and reviewed, people enjoying the best scrumptious high end buffet  often do not get the taste of a particular food as their senses are delighted to multiple palates and more often leading to a situation where our bowel movements gets irritated.

Economically viewing, buffets stand out the best . Enjoying an unlimited array of food, you can refill anything and everything as much as you want. But , how many times, have you realised you could not make it to half the dishes on offer?

So, next time, sit back and enjoy the hot piped food direct from the kitchen onto your table. Order and relish and churn each bite to make it easier on the digestive system as well.  So if you are on a diet regime and you want a change on your taste buds ask your dietician for a guilt free eating day. I am sure she/he would recommend you the ideal choice from the à la carte.

To conclude, an à la carte meal can be most gratifying and although this  gastronomic journey might cost you a little more, but dear friends isn’t it much sensible to devour and digest one meal well rather than dumping in every possible food item and disturbing your gut?

How to Eat Carbs and Lose Weight

Carbs benefits

When trying to lose weight, many people cut out carbs. But this is a huge misconception. Thanks to diets like Atkins and Ketogenic diets, many of us have started to fear eating carbs. But the science behind carbohydrates is actually very complex, and demonizing an entire food group is not wise. Refined and complex carbs are very different, and it’s important to distinguish between the two.

It is possible to eat carbs and lose weight, you just need to know the trick:

1. Eat the right carbs

Let’s take for example potato, everyone’s favorite, this veggie gives you nutrition and has low energy density. On the other hand, French fries are deep fried and obviously an unhealthy way of cooking the potatoes. They should either be boiled or sautéed.

All ‘Low Carb’ diets are not Ketogenic. Low carb diets should target 150-200gm carbs per day. These carbs should come from complex sugars like fibrous fruits and veggies. As against this, a Ketogenic diet provides around 20-50gms carbs per day only and most of the energy is obtained from a high content of fat. It leads to a state of ketosis which is highly beneficial for people with certain diseases like epilepsy, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or obesity. However, this extreme form of carb-restriction is not the only way to do a ‘low-carb’ diet.

2. Not all carbs are unhealthy sugar

There are many different types of sugars. Simple sugars include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Starch contained in grains and veggies gets broken down into glucose in the digestive tract. However, the sugar in a vegetable is not the same as that of a candy bar which contains sucrose (glucose+fructose). Thus, where as table sugar contains half glucose-half fructose, starch is only glucose. A balanced diet with portion control and complex carbohydrates can work well for weight loss.

3. Low Carbs diet can lead to weight gain

When following a low-carb diet, many people turn to foods that are high in fat and calories – even the good fat in too large a portion can cause a problem with weight gain. Portion sizes are primarily important no matter what diet you follow. Many low-carb foods can be fattening, especially for people who are prone to binge eating and have a history of fad diets.

4. Combo of energy and fibre

Carbs also contain fibre which our bodies can’t digest – Deeply understand; Fibre actually gets to the bacteria in the intestine, which has the enzymes to digest it and can turn it into beneficial compounds. That means fibre is essential for a healthy gut, which has been linked to maintaining a healthy weight. Some studies have even shown that fibre, especially soluble fibre (like those found in oats), can lead to weight loss and improved cholesterol

Aim for a mix of vegetables and whole grains in your diet to boost fibre consumption and drink plenty of water.

5. Carbs make you happy

It is commonly seen that people staying away from carbs have mood swings, trouble in concentrating and get easily frustrated. The simple answer is carbs help in creating a happy hormone called Serotonin. Tryptophan is an important amino acid and is the precursor of Serotonin. It cannot cross the brain’s blood barrier and needs carbs to help it cross over. Also, Tryptophan converts to serotonin and serotonin to melatonin, which is involved in our sleep cycle. Therefore, carbs make you happy and help you sleep, both of which are important factors for weight loss.

6. Cutting carbs is not sustainable

People observe some amount of weight loss in the initial phase of carb restriction. The question however is, can you do without it for lifetime? The answer is a big no. We need to be sensible enough to pick on the habit of clean eating and adapting lifestyle changes.

If you want to lose weight, look at portion control, a diet that is tailored to your needs, and up your exercise so that as a simple equation you’re burning off more calories that you eat.