With a lot of humor centered around it, constipation is as much a topic of laughter for the audience as it is an agony for the sufferers. Constipation, basically, is a change in your normal bowel movements; going less frequently than you usually do, passing hard, dry stools, or straining when you defecate. In chronic cases it can lead to complications like piles, fissure and prolapse, and hence choosing to seek advice is much wiser than accepting it as an inevitable pattern of your digestive system.
A lot of times attempts at getting rid of constipation fail as treatment is unidimensional, being directed only towards the obvious reason, when it is in fact,caused by an array of factors. Taking this into consideration, Healing Hands Clinic, a comprehensive center for digestive diseases offers a multi-pronged approach for curing constipation. For those in whom it is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, there is MCDPA, a treatment strategy formulated by Dr Ashwin Porwal, Founder of the clinic and amongst India’s leading proctologists. This therapy includes a combination of herbal laxative medicines, nutrition counselling, physiotherapy to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and Ayurvedic oil therapy. This treatment strategy proves extremely beneficial when followed with compliance. For those in whom constipation is an occasional problem or who are seeking a detox, there is Colon Hydrotherapy, a cleansing technique that uses temperature and pressure-controlled water to flush out the intestines. The clinic is further equipped with Biofeedback Therapy to train the pelvic muscles for proper evacuation.
Dr Porwal, who introduced 3D Endo-anal Imaging in India says that this test helps to diagnose more complicated causes in chronic sufferers. In cases where there is an anatomical problem like rectocele or for those having Obstructed Defecation Syndrome, there is hope in the form of STARR surgery, a technique that provides excellent results.
For appointments:
Healing Hands Clinic
Pune Station / Tilak Rd: 88882 88884
Wanowrie: 88885 22226
Baner: 88886 22221
Chinchwad: 88882 00004
Chakan: 88882 96666
Kothrud: 85759 99993
Website: www.healinghandsclinic.co.in
Email: info@healinghandsclinic.co.in