Have Piles? Shed the Shame

Our culture has a huge impact on how we think, what we choose to speak about and what we leave unsaid. It’s little wonder then, that most of us, especially women are shy when it comes to speaking about certain conditions like piles, constipation or prolapse that involve private parts. We choose to suffer in silence rather than coming forth and seeking help. Being the wife of a Proctologist, I often get to hear stories of how women have remained closemouthed for years until the disease has flared up to alarming complications.

Although we have tried to spread awareness and encourage women to shed their inhibitions, we have observed that there are quite a few who are still reluctant to come to us for a consultation, despite Healing Hands Clinic being the most advanced Proctology (branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the rectum and anal canal like piles, prolapse, constipation, fissure, fistula etc.) center.

Women often want a female doctor to consult with, especially for such conditions. Being a doctor myself, and having been brought up in a very ‘Indian’ culture, I understand both sides of the coin. However, all the wisdom in me reiterates that it is far more important to go to the doctor with the best knowledge of the disease, rather than settle for a doctor of a particular sex just because my mindset and culture conforms to it. Having said that, we ensure that no matter who the consulting doctor is, the presence of female assistants is a prerequisite for examination of female patients. EVERY FEMALE PATIENT IS MADE EXTREMELY COMFORTABLE DURING CONSULTATION, RESPECTING HER DIGNITY IS OUR TOPMOST PRIORITY DURING EXAMINATION. We have hundreds of happy female patients from every culture and every strata of society, and it is a matter of pride for us to have served them within their confines of decency.

This is to all you women out there; Leave behind the reticence, it’s your body, stand up for it. There is no shame in speaking to your doctor. Man or woman, we all have all sorts of health issues, and we all deserve the best care for it. So take the first step towards respecting your body and opt for the best medical care.
Like we urge to one and all; HAVE PILES? SPEAK UP.

At Healing Hands Clinic, we have best lady doctor for piles in Pune, Mumbai,
Nashik and Bengaluru centers.

Getting to the Bottom of Constipation

For most of us, a good beginning to the day would mean a satisfactory visit to the toilet. According to a survey, 14% of people in urban India suffer from


However, definition of constipation is quite subjective as bowel habits vary from person to person. While a daily evacuation could be a necessity for one, another could empty on alternate days, and both the individuals are equally healthy. Thus, before clicking the panic button, wouldn’t it be wise to understand how the bowel normally functions and what actually constitutes constipation?

The bowel or intestine is a tube-like organ that extends from the stomach to the anus. It is divided into two parts. The upper part called ‘small intestine’ begins from the stomach and along with it, is responsible for digestion of food. It is also here that absorption of nutrients takes place; whatever remains is passed further into the ‘large intestine’ as liquid faeces. The large intestine aka colon absorbs water back into the body causing the faeces to become more solid. When these faeces reach the rectum (the lowest part of the colon), one feels the urge to pass motion.

    Signs of a healthy bowel

  • Soft but well formed stools
  • Passing stools 1-3times/day to 3times/week
  • No need felt to strain excessively, no pain
  • Passing motion within about a minute of sitting at the toilet
  • Feeling of complete evacuation at the end of defecation, you don’t have to go back in some time to pass more
  • Absence of bloating, excessive flatulence

An unhealthy bowel is a doorway to constipation that can cause piles, fissure, prolapse and above all a diminished sense of well-being. At Healing Hands Clinic,

a Proctology centre

that specialises in diseases of the rectum and anal canal, constipation is tackled with a multi-pronged approach. For those with an occasional bout or looking for a detox, there is Colon Hydrotherapy, which is a drug-free, safe and effective way to cleanse the colon. If constipation is chronic (lasting >3months), a holistic treatment MCDPA provides excellent results. MCDPA is an amalgamation of modern science and Ayurveda and includes herbal laxatives, Biofeedback and Ayurvedic oil therapy.

Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS), a type of

chronic constipation

more common in women, cannot be corrected with any amount of medicines as it is a structural problem of the rectum and needs a surgical correction. Recently Dr Ashwin Porwal published his research paper on

chronic constipation

titled ‘STARR Surgery: Highest case series of 500 patients at India’s largest Proctology clinic

  • Dr Ashwin Porwal
  • MBBS, D.N.B.(Surgery)
  • Dip. in Proctology (Italy)
  • Dip. in Laparoscopy (EITS-IRCAD, France)
  • Proctologist & Surgeon
  • For appointments visit/call:
  • Healing Hands Clinic,
  • Millennium Star Extension,
  • Dhole-Patil road.
  • Helpline: 8888288884
  • Website: www.healinghandsclinic.co.in
  • Email: info@healinghandsclinic.co.in

Don’t let varicose veins slow you down

Don’t Confuse Fissure with Piles

Varicose veins though often dismissed as a cosmetic problem, should not be ignored or taken lightly.If not investigated and treated correctly, varicose veins are likely to get worse. They are commonly found in those who have to sit/stand continuously for long hours. Heredity is another cause and varicose veinsare more common in females. These enlarged, bulging and twisted veins can get painful and unsightly. However, up to half of all

varicose veins

patients will show no overt signs of the condition until they cause a complication, as the troublesome veins remain hidden deeper under the skin. This leads to a lot of people ignoring them and accepting them, until a day that they reach an advanced stage and wake up the sufferer to a complication.

Common symptoms of varicose

veins are aching, discomfort and heaviness of the legs, which are usually worse at the end of the day. Sometimes the ankle can swell, too. Occasionally, high pressure in the veins causes damage to the skin around the ankle, leading to discoloration, rash (eczema) and in advanced cases, ulceration. Although diagnosis is straightforward, a test called Venous Colour Doppler is done for a detailed study regarding where the veins have come from, and helps in planning the line of treatment.

Compression stockings, worn regularly, are effective in controlling symptoms and preventing skin complications. When sleeping,it is beneficial to keep the legs elevated (about 9” above the ground) as this helps in emptying of the veins. Active treatment for varicose veins may not always be medically necessary especially in the earlier stages. However, a lot of patients, especially females, opt for treatment due to cosmetic reasons. Most of the older methods of treatment have a lot of side effects and high recurrence rates. This has led to the growing popularity of Endo-Venous Laser Ablation (EVLA), a highly advanced laser treatment which can be done with optimal precision with the aid of an ultrasound. The treatment takes approximately 30-45 minutes and is associated with minimal discomfort. One can return to his/her daily activities on the next day of the treatment.

Leonardo laser used for EVLA

was first introduced at

Healing Hands Clinic, Pune.


Constipation treatment

A good day obviously begins with a good morning which in turn relies a lot on our morning chores. Topping that list is a light tummy and how we wish it could be as easy as brushing teeth. Alas! It’s not the case with a lot of us, for whom every morning brings with it that big question – Will it be a smooth transit today? CONSTIPATION is becoming an increasingly growing menace in our lives, but in most cases, we have ourselves to blame. Faulty dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and stress are few common reasons to blame. However, wouldn’t it be wise to stop complaining at some point and take charge of our own health. That’s exactly what we want to encourage you to do.

Food habits/diet tips/home remedies for constipation

1) Water is an important constituent of the stools. Insufficient intake can lead to hardening of stools and delay the transit time. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses (2.5 to 3 liters) of water per day. It is especially beneficial to have 1-2 glasses of warm water soon after waking up as it helps in initiating peristalsis.

2) Include 5 to 6 servings of fruits and vegetables in the diet daily as they are an excellent source of fiber. Fiber, soluble as well as insoluble, is responsible for the bulk and binding of the stools. Whole fruit (not juiced) and raw vegetables in the form of salads are better. One should ensure sufficient water intake along with fiber intake on a daily basis to prevent constipation. Beans are also an excellent source of fiber.

3) Replace refined carbohydrates with whole grain cereals. Examples of refined carbohydrates are sugar, refined wheat flour and their products. Excess of these, disturbs the osmotic balance in the digestive system. Some good examples of whole grain cereals are oats, brown rice, whole wheat, etc. which contain fiber as well as B complex vitamins.

4) Probiotics are foods containing beneficial bacteria which are naturally present in the intestines. They help maintain a healthy gut environment. Consuming probiotic foods such as fresh curd/yogurt and buttermilk daily can help boost gut immunity and health and thus reduce risk of digestive disorders.

5) Go natural! Avoid processed, preserved, packaged food items as far as possible. Freshly prepared, home-made food items are the safest and most nutritious to consume. The traditional Indian diet (when cooked in minimal oil) is well balanced.

6) Super foods are foods which are especially beneficial for health and well-being. These foods contain unique substances which may have protective effect against various diseases. Some of the super foods for the digestive system are flax seeds, chia seeds, turmeric and cow’s ghee.These simple changes when combined with moderate exercise can help in common constipation. However, if constipation does not improve with these measures (lasts more than 6weeks) , it’s best to take an expert’s opinion. Conditions like Obstructed Defecation Syndrome can cause Chronic Constipation and need a Proctologist’s attention.

Potty Training : A Parenting Tool to Help Avoid Pediatric Constipation

During the growth period, a child has several milestones to meet. The child becomes increasingly capable and independent, given the right kind of environment and stimulus. Saying goodbye to diapers and nappies is one of the crucial milestones. Alas! It can be one of the most difficult tasks for the child as well as the parents.

It is essential for parents to pay proper attention to toilet training of their child as ignorance in this matter can lead to constipation. The worldwide prevalence of childhood constipation due to different causes in the general population ranges from 0.7% to 29.6%. In constipation a child may have fewer than 2 bowel movements a week or bowel movements with stools that are hard, dry, and small, making them painful or difficult to pass.

Usually between 1 ½ to 2 years of age, children show readiness to be potty trained. Some signs can help the parent to identify the ideal time to begin potty training of their child, e.g. when they start telling when they have soiled their nappy, when they show interest in others using the toilet, when they keep their nappies dry for longer period owing to increased bowel and bladder control, etc.

Out dated and harsh methods could make toilet training a stressful experience for the child and he/she may try to hide. Children who hide are more likely to have stool toileting refusal, constipation, stool withholding, and later completion of training. Stool withholding involves the child doing physical maneuvers in an attempt to avoid defecation. The parents must be gentle, patient and understanding towards the child. The child may not know how to sit properly on the toilet. The “squatty potty” position should be taught to allow ease in passing stools.

Children tend to suppress the urge to pass stools or urine when they are focused in play or activity. They may forget to pay a visit to the toilet. Doing this frequently can also lead to hard stools. Hence, it is important to teach the child to visit the toilet whenever there is an urge. When the child is put into the habit of going to the toilet every morning and/or evening, their body clock gets set accordingly and they develop good toilet habits.

potty training

Small children may find it difficult to explain their discomfort. Painful defecation is the primary precipitant of constipation during early childhood. Parents need to be vigilant so that there can be quick intervention and the risk that their child will develop persistent constipation or fecal soiling can be reduced.

A nutritionally balanced, fiber rich diet and sufficient water intake can go a long way in avoiding constipation.

In order to get effective treatment for their child, the parents should seek the help of a Proctologist/Colorectal surgeon rather than a pediatrician in case of constipation and related complications.

Fistula-in- ano

Anal fistula or fistula-in- ano is an abnormal hollow tract or cavity between primary opening inside the anal canal to a secondary opening in the perianal skin; secondary tracts may be multiple and can extend from the same primary opening. Different types of anal fistulas are classified by their location. In order of most common to least common, the various types include:

Inter-sphincteric fistula : The tract begins in the space between the internal and external sphincter muscles and opens very close to the anal opening. It is a tract between two anal sphincters.

Anatomy of rectum anal canal

Transphincteric fistula : The tract begins in the space between the internal and external sphincter muscles or in the space behind the anus. It then crosses the external sphincter and opens an inch or two outside the anal opening. These can wrap around the body in a U shape, with external openings on both sides of the anus. It is also called as horseshoe fistula.

Fistula type 2

Suprasphincteric fistula : The tract begins in the space between the internal and external sphincter muscles and turns upward to a point above the puborectal muscle, crosses this muscle, then extends downward between the puborectal and levator ani muscle and opens an inch or two outside the anus

Fistula type 3

Extrasphincteric fistula : The tract begins at the rectum and extends downward, passes through the levator ani muscle and opens around the anus. These fistulas are usually caused by an appendiceal abscess, diverticular abscess or Crohn’s disease.

Fistula type 4

Cause of Fistula in ano – The most common cause of fistula is an anal abscess, though there are several other possible causes which may lead to fistula in ano which can be stated as follows:

1.Anal Abscess : An abscess is a collection of pus in an area of the body. An anal abscess develops when a small anal gland becomes infected with bacteria. It can be very painful and is one of the utmost reason which causes fistula. Approx 80% of cases having fistula are caused by abscess

2.Intestinal Inflammation : Intestinal inflammation which causes due Crohn’s disease which is a type of inflammatory bowel disease and Diverticulitis which is a condition which leads to inflammation of the small out pouching or diverticulitis which forms a number of tiny pockets from the side of the colon.

3.Malignancy in the an rectal area can lead to fistula in anal area.

4.Infections – Infection like Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS),Tuberculosis etc are infections which leads to fistula

4.Iatrogenic – As a complication of a previous surgery in the region.
Symptoms of Fistula in Ano

Possible symptoms include:

1. Constant pain and discomfort which is throbbing and worsens when sitting down.

2. Skin irritation around the anus which includes swelling and tenderness.

3. Pus discharge

4. Constipation

5. Fever


Diagnosis of Fistula in Ano:

1. A brief history and required information is taken which is then followed by a clinical examination along with a digital rectal examination which is enough to diagnose an anal fistula

2. Proctoscopy – A small inspection of the rectum is done with a small tube like scope called as proctocopy to check for any concomitant condition in rectum area.

In certain conditions doctors may also take help of MRI Fistulogram if the fistula tract is difficult to diagnose.

Treatment for Fistula in ano (Anal Fistula)

There are two approaches to treatment of Anal Fistula viz. Traditional technique and Modern technique.

A)Traditional Technique include :

1. Fistulectomy : This process involves cutting open the whole length of the fistula in so that the surgeon can flush out all the content in the fistula. The fistula tract is removed and the groove which is formed is left behind to heal. This procedure comes with a risk of damaging the sphincter muscle which results in fecal incontinence and is usually used for treatment of complex anal fistula.

2. Ksharsutra : This technique has an Ayurvedic approach in which a thread of a special kind which is coated with ayurvedic medications is inserted into a fistula tract. This kind of treatment has no cuts and stitches but also needs to be done in multiple weekly sessions that is completed over a few months

B) Modern Technique include :

1. Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment : Also known as VAAFT is a technique used for a surgical treatment of complex fistula and is preformed with the help of a fistuloscope

2. Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula tract : Also known as LIFT is a technique used to treat a complex or deep anal fistula. A seton is firstly placed in the tract which forces it to widen over a period of time. A few weeks later, the surgeon doctor removes the infected tissue and closes the internal fistula opening.

3. Fistula plug : A fistula plug is a plug that is 100% synthetic bio-absorbable scaffold. The fistula plug is placed in the fistula tract. Over a period of time the cells from the body migrate into the scaffold and new tissues are generated as the body absorbs the plug material which leaves no permanent material in the body.

4. Fistula-tract laser closure – Also known as Filac is done using Leonardo laser which was first introduced in India by Dr Ashwin Porwal at Healing Hands Clinic. This procedure helps in gently removing the fistula tract without damaging the sphincter muscle.

5. Distal Ligation Proximal laser – Known as DLPL aims not only at treating fistula but also to save the sphincter muscle which helps to prevent incontinence and to prevent recurrence, considering the nature of the fistula.In this treatment of fistula, firstly abscess cavity with internal opening is excised and then closing of distal tract is done. The proximal area of fistula tract is then sealed with the help of Leonardo laser which helps in complete closure of tract.

For more information on anal fistula you can click on the following link :https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/fistula-treatment-centre/

For appointments : https://www.healinghandsclinic.co.in/online-appointment/


varicose veins

Have you noticed the veins on your legs, abnormally thick, full of twists and turns, or enlarged? They are probably varicose veins. Usually, varicose veins affect the lower legs, but may also be seen in other parts of the body. They are seen more frequently in people who spend a long time standing like teachers, doorkeepers, bus conductors etc. They are also common in pregnant women due to pressure of the enlarging uterus on the veins and in overweight people due to the increased pressure on the lower limbs.

Veins carry blood from different parts of the body back to the heart. They have valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards i.e. in the wrong direction. The leg muscles have a pumping action on veins which helps to move the blood to the heart against gravity. When veins become varicose, the valves no longer work properly. This hampers the upward movement of the blood, allowing it to flow backwards and engorge the vein. Constant engorgement causes the veins to remain swollen and in the long run, they lose their elasticity and become tortuous. Varicose veins are most common in the superficial veins of the legs i.e. those that that are close to the skin surface. Severe long-standing varicose veins can lead to leg swelling, venous eczema, skin thickening and ulceration.

Non-surgical means can prove partly effective in initial stages of varicose veins. But laser or surgical treatment may be necessary in higher stages. Hence, it is important to diagnose and treat them as soon as possible so that pain and discomfort can be avoided.

Here are some basic guidelines you can follow at home, to help attain relief to some extent:

  • Wear elastic stockings meant for varicose veins throughout the day; remove them at night before sleeping.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight to reduce pressure on the legs.
  • Avoid standing for long hours. Try to take regular intervals where you can lie down (preferably with legs elevated)
  • Avoid crossing your legs while sitting.
  • Keep your legs elevated to reduce swelling. At night, elevate your legs using 2 pillows or a thick folded blanket.
  • Low to moderate intensity, regular exercise helps strengthen legs and reduces body weight.

Some other remedies you can try at home are:

  • Massage with essential oils such as cypress oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, grape seed oil. Grape seed oil can also be used for consumption.
  • Have an antioxidant rich diet by including green tea, citrus fruits, berries and green leafy vegetables.
  • Cabbage is loaded with vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, sulfur and fiber. For all these reason, cabbage is a good home remedy for ulcers that you get because of varicose veins.
  • Mud packs can be applied. As the mud/clay dries, it contracts and compresses just the same as stockings.
  • Marigold (Jhendu) flower can be ground into paste and applied as it contains triturpenes which help to improve tone of the veins.


Do you frequently suffer from symptoms related to the gastrointestinal system? While not always dangerous, these symptoms certainly reduce comfort and deter quality of life. The brighter side to it, is that the solution to your problem may lie well within you.

Nature is beautifully designed in such a way that the survival and wellbeing of all living beings is interdependent. We as human beings are also a part of this symbiotic existence. Just as there are several microorganisms in and around us that harm us, there are also those that benefit us. Let’s take a closer look atthose that are proven to be beneficial to our gastrointestinal tract-they are called “Probiotics”.

Many different probiotic organisms have different but overlapping benefits. They help promote health at the molecular level. But when the balance of these gutmicrobes gets disturbed, it can result in chronic diseases that include inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and cancer. Allergic disorders, asthma, vitamin B12 deficiency and even obesity are related to an unhealthy population of intestinal bacteria. This imbalance can be created due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle, as well as environmental factors such as pollution and overuse of antibiotics. Even simple aging gradually disturbs this balance.

Did you know?
Strains of the bacteria Lactobacillus, Streptococcus and Bifidobacteriumare the probiotics in the gut. A few common conditions they help treat are :

• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

• Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

• Crohn’s disease

• Ulcerative Colitis

• Infectious diarrhea (caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites)

• Antibiotic-related diarrhea

They fight the potentially dangerous organisms in the intestine, reducing the risk of infection and diseases and strengthen the inner lining of intestines which acts as barriers to harmful microorganisms and chemicals. They regulate immune responses and also suppress excessive inflammation. They are also known to play a significant role in preventing colon cancer which is the third most common cancer in the world. There is some research to show they may help resolve problems in other parts of our body such as skin conditions (like eczema), urinary and vaginal health, preventing allergies and colds, oral health, cardiovascular health, etc.

Because of their multiple benefits, probiotic supplements are often prescribed by doctors for treating various gastrointestinal diseases. Probiotics should also be incorporated inour daily diet. The simplest, natural, home based source of probiotics is freshly prepared curd/yogurt. Food products consumed in different parts of the world are also probiotic such as sauerkraut (Germany), miso (Japan), kefir (Middle East) and tempeh (Indonesia). Probiotic milk is also available these days in the supermarket. However one thing should be kept in mind, cooking temperatures and freezing temperatures kill the bacteria. Therefore, to gain maximum benefit, these foods need to be consumed in the uncooked/non pasteurized and fresh form.

An interesting fact is that certain non-digestible, fibrous food ingredients can actually promote the growth of probiotics in our guts. They are called “Prebiotics”. Somefoods popular for their prebiotic properties are as follows :

• Raw garlic

• Raw onion

• Wheat bran

• Raw banana

• Oats

• Asparagus (Shatavari)

• Flax seeds (Javas)

• Chia seeds

Probiotics are thus a valuable addition to a balanced diet. And when coupled with prebiotics, the two in conjunction can go a long way in giving you a happy and healthy gut.

Home Remedies For Piles

piles treatment in baner, piles treatment in navi mumbai

Piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir), clinically known as haemorrhoids, is a very common lifestyle disease. Haemorrhoids are mainly a result of following wrong habits. So before looking for medical remedies, one should assess one’s own lifestyle and seek answers to a few questions:

1. Do you drink enough water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated?

Minimum of 3 litres of water must be consumed daily in order to stay hydrated.
2. What kind of food do you consume? Is it healthy and rich in fibre?

Green leafy vegetables and fruits should be consumed for improving fibre intake.
Consume complex carbohydrates such as whole grain or multigrain cereals and avoid refined cereals.
Limit spicy food.
Say no to fast food and packaged food.
Increase the intake of vitamin C (Citrus fruits can be consumed for the same).
Avoid excessive sugar intake.
3. How often do you exercise?

Exercising is great for health, stay fit! You can do yoga, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming etc. for a minimum of half an hour daily. In fact, certain poses in Yoga are specifically directed towards preventing piles and other rectal problems.
4. Do you use your smart phone or newspaper in your washroom?

It might seem like a strange question, but using your cell phone in the washroom may divert your mind from what needs to be done. The distraction might lead you to spend more time on the toilet seat, increasing the pressure on the veins in the pelvic region. By doing so you are giving way to haemorrhoids (piles)
A little bit of above introspection and making a few lifestyle changes will help you steer clear of piles and prevent any recurrence if you have already been a victim. Unfortunately, if you are already one amongst those suffering from haemorrhoids, some simple home based remedies can be very handy. They may not be a permanent solution, but will provide you temporary relief until you seek advice from a Proctologist.

1. Ice : Applying an icepack will reduce the pain and inflammation by compressing the blood vessels. Apply the icepack for 10 – 15 minutes in the affected area 4 times daily.

2. Citrus Fruits : Intake of citrus fruits can help in strengthening the capillaries and blood vessel walls.

3. Hydrate yourself : Reduced water intake causes constipation which further aggravates haemorrhoids.

4. Avoid friction : Do not wipe the affected area repeatedly with a dry tissue as it can cause friction and irritation and can worsen the condition of the swollen vessels.

5. Sitz Bath: You can sit in a tub of lukewarm water for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. This will help reduce the pain and swelling and will keep the area hydrated for some time. Doing this is definitely recommended and can be done regularly.

6. Olive oil: Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Applying a little oil acts as a soothing agent and helps reduce the discomfort by increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. This in turn helps in relieving pain while passing stools.

7. Ghee (Clarified butter): Consumption of 2 teaspoons of pure cow’s ghee every morning will help improve bowel function and act as a lubricant.

8. Aloe Vera: The anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties of aloe vera make it the best natural treatment for haemorrhoids. You could use it for both external and internal haemorrhoids.
Internal Haemorrhoids – Clean the Aloe Vera and cut it in strips down the middle to reveal the gel. Get rid of the thorns, and place the strips in a container to freeze for some time. Gently and carefully, apply the gel side of the frozen strips on the affected area to get relief.
External Haemorrhoids – Take Aloe Vera gel and apply it on the haemorrhoids and massage gently. This will give you relief from pain, itching, burning sensation and irritation.
Kindly note that although these remedies may give you short-term relief from your symptoms, they won’t treat or cure your piles.
Then what are the treatment options for Piles…??? To know click here…

May you have a smooth transition from piles to smiles!

Role of Nutrition in Life style Diseases

Role of Nutrition in Life style Diseases

Not everyone understands the importance of Nutrition until it is to take heavy doses of medicines or avail medicinal management of any type for their ailment. Easily available and ready to eat items are bought over the counter that not only ruin one’s health but also instigate addiction to such unhealthy products that have almost nil nutrition value. The needs of the patient come first, with this belief Healing Hands Clinic contributes to the health and well being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice and experience.

Dr. Ashwin Porwal, founder of Healing Hands Clinic introduces a new world of advanced treatment options for Constipation, Piles, Hernia, Fistula and other Ano Rectal diseases. Healing Hands Clinic not only encourages patients to eat fresh & healthy products but also provides knowledge about Nutrition &its effects with customized counseling sessions designed keeping in mind the individual’s daily routine. A high fiber diet with plenty of liquids aid the patient to experience complete elimination & painless defecation.