Home Remedies For Piles

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Piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir), clinically known as haemorrhoids, is a very common lifestyle disease. Haemorrhoids are mainly a result of following wrong habits. So before looking for medical remedies, one should assess one’s own lifestyle and seek answers to a few questions:

1. Do you drink enough water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated?

Minimum of 3 litres of water must be consumed daily in order to stay hydrated.
2. What kind of food do you consume? Is it healthy and rich in fibre?

Green leafy vegetables and fruits should be consumed for improving fibre intake.
Consume complex carbohydrates such as whole grain or multigrain cereals and avoid refined cereals.
Limit spicy food.
Say no to fast food and packaged food.
Increase the intake of vitamin C (Citrus fruits can be consumed for the same).
Avoid excessive sugar intake.
3. How often do you exercise?

Exercising is great for health, stay fit! You can do yoga, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming etc. for a minimum of half an hour daily. In fact, certain poses in Yoga are specifically directed towards preventing piles and other rectal problems.
4. Do you use your smart phone or newspaper in your washroom?

It might seem like a strange question, but using your cell phone in the washroom may divert your mind from what needs to be done. The distraction might lead you to spend more time on the toilet seat, increasing the pressure on the veins in the pelvic region. By doing so you are giving way to haemorrhoids (piles)
A little bit of above introspection and making a few lifestyle changes will help you steer clear of piles and prevent any recurrence if you have already been a victim. Unfortunately, if you are already one amongst those suffering from haemorrhoids, some simple home based remedies can be very handy. They may not be a permanent solution, but will provide you temporary relief until you seek advice from a Proctologist.

1. Ice : Applying an icepack will reduce the pain and inflammation by compressing the blood vessels. Apply the icepack for 10 – 15 minutes in the affected area 4 times daily.

2. Citrus Fruits : Intake of citrus fruits can help in strengthening the capillaries and blood vessel walls.

3. Hydrate yourself : Reduced water intake causes constipation which further aggravates haemorrhoids.

4. Avoid friction : Do not wipe the affected area repeatedly with a dry tissue as it can cause friction and irritation and can worsen the condition of the swollen vessels.

5. Sitz Bath: You can sit in a tub of lukewarm water for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. This will help reduce the pain and swelling and will keep the area hydrated for some time. Doing this is definitely recommended and can be done regularly.

6. Olive oil: Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Applying a little oil acts as a soothing agent and helps reduce the discomfort by increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. This in turn helps in relieving pain while passing stools.

7. Ghee (Clarified butter): Consumption of 2 teaspoons of pure cow’s ghee every morning will help improve bowel function and act as a lubricant.

8. Aloe Vera: The anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties of aloe vera make it the best natural treatment for haemorrhoids. You could use it for both external and internal haemorrhoids.
Internal Haemorrhoids – Clean the Aloe Vera and cut it in strips down the middle to reveal the gel. Get rid of the thorns, and place the strips in a container to freeze for some time. Gently and carefully, apply the gel side of the frozen strips on the affected area to get relief.
External Haemorrhoids – Take Aloe Vera gel and apply it on the haemorrhoids and massage gently. This will give you relief from pain, itching, burning sensation and irritation.
Kindly note that although these remedies may give you short-term relief from your symptoms, they won’t treat or cure your piles.
Then what are the treatment options for Piles…??? To know click here…

May you have a smooth transition from piles to smiles!

Role of Nutrition in Life style Diseases

Role of Nutrition in Life style Diseases

Not everyone understands the importance of Nutrition until it is to take heavy doses of medicines or avail medicinal management of any type for their ailment. Easily available and ready to eat items are bought over the counter that not only ruin one’s health but also instigate addiction to such unhealthy products that have almost nil nutrition value. The needs of the patient come first, with this belief Healing Hands Clinic contributes to the health and well being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice and experience.

Dr. Ashwin Porwal, founder of Healing Hands Clinic introduces a new world of advanced treatment options for Constipation, Piles, Hernia, Fistula and other Ano Rectal diseases. Healing Hands Clinic not only encourages patients to eat fresh & healthy products but also provides knowledge about Nutrition &its effects with customized counseling sessions designed keeping in mind the individual’s daily routine. A high fiber diet with plenty of liquids aid the patient to experience complete elimination & painless defecation.


Are you shy of going to a doctor and talking about that problem you have in your bottom? Yes? Quite obviously, most of us are hesitant to open up about our diseases, especially the ones relating to our derrière. We end up bearing the pain hoping positively that sooner or later it will vanish on its own.

Unfortunately, that’s far from the truth, because I have learned from my own experience of ‘a pain in the ass’ that ignoring anorectal problems (that’s the fancy word for them in medical terms) like piles, constipation, fistula or fissure may eventually end up piling one problem over another. That’s because most of the times these diseases are interlinked. For instance, ignoring my constipation for too long can leave me with piles. Blood in the pot, excruciating pain while defecating , pus leaking out of the bottom, itching or burning near the anus to the extent of not even being able to walk properly are some of the horrifying symptoms of these diseases.

Not only do these problems affect you physically but they also make you feel isolated and lead to a big full stop to social life. How do I know this? Well, that’s because I have been a victim of one of these diseases and my shy nature inhibited me from seeking help. As luck would have it, I joined a well known centre called Healing Hands Clinic which is basically a speciality clinic for anorectal disorders. Until I joined here I lacked awareness about these diseases.

In fact even after working here and becoming more aware, I was afraid of sharing my problem with any of the doctors. But then there came a week with terrible pain which I couldn’t handle. I told my family members about the problem I was facing and they encouraged me to seek help. I finally opened up about my problem to Dr Ashwin Porwal (yes, he’s my boss!), and after a thorough check-up he diagnosed me with External Thrombosed Piles. Sounds scary! But Dr Porwal calmed me down and told me that it would be a minor procedure and I would be going home riding my bike in the next 2 hours. Honestly, I faced no pain during the surgery and after an hour and half I went home riding my bike free of pain. In fact I was back to work the next day itself, the only difference being I was a happier piles-free version of my previous self.

The reason I chose to speak about my experience is that I want to spread out a message to everyone that it’s time to say ‘NO’ to pain! Take your heads up and face it . Don’t be shy, speak up. It will bring about a change , a positive change that will change the way your day begins.

So lets say ‘ NO TO PAIN , AND SPEAK UP’. Lets spread awareness and encourage those who live with a problem they can easily choose to solve.

Do Not Ignore Anorectal Bleeding

Anal fissures & Piles are not exactly a topic for cocktail party conversation, and the reluctance to discuss them often leaves sufferers thinking they are the only ones affected. In fact, this potentially painful, debilitating, anxiety-provoking condition is quite common.

“Every bowel movement was painful with bleeding, and the agonizing after-spasms went on for hours,”. “Even when I wasn’t in actual pain, it was all I could think about. My work suffered; my life was on hold.” This is every piles & fissure patients story!

If you’ve ever noticed bright red blood after a bowel movement, chances are it is a small tear in the rim of the anus called as aFISSURE. Such tears are commonly mistaken for hemorrhoids, which unlike fissures don’t cause pain with bowel movements. In an estimated 90 percent of cases, these tears heal on their own. If they don’t then they can be treated within a day with Leonardo Laser that has been recently introduced by Healing Hands Clinic, Pune.

Hemorrhoids( PILES ) are veins in the rectum that have become swollen and painful. Sometimes they go away by themselves, but in other cases they cause lingering pain, heaviness, itching, and bleeding which can be cured with medicines and in severe stages causes an irreducible prolapse which will require surgical intervention ( Laser for initial stages & Stapler Surgery for severe stages ).

Similarly,Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome ( SRUS ) is a rare and poorly understood disorder that occurs in people with chronic constipation. This can cause rectal bleeding and straining during bowel movements. Treatments for solitary rectal ulcer syndrome range from changing your diet and fluid intake to surgery.

Colitis also presents with bleeding in stools. It is inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. It may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea with or without blood. Fever may be present. The treatment of colitis depends upon the cause.Initial therapy, regardless of the cause is to stabilize the patient’s vital signs and helping control pain, if needed.

To conclude, anorectal bleeding should not be ignored and must be checked immediately on priority from a Proctosurgeon or Colorectal Surgeon. Healing Hands Clinic founded by Dr AshwinPorwal and led by team of Surgeons, Nutritionists & Physiotherapists is one such Proctology Centre across the country that has treated more than 40,000 patients from anorectal ailments! Healing Hands Clinic has introduced Leonardo Laser for the first time in the country for Treatment of Piles , Fissures , Fistula , Pilonidal Sinus & Varicose Veins.Dr Porwal recently presented his work on highest series of Stapler Surgery for piles & STARR for constipation in Asia at European Society of ColoProctology.

Rectal Prolapse treatment now a day care procedure

Healing Hands Clinic (HHC) understands your healthcare needs and we also try to put our step forward to make awareness among people for proctology (Piles, Constipation & Fistula) and related ailments like obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS), pelvic organ prolapsed, rectal prolapsed, fissure, etc. One of the critical cases among these ailments is rectal prolapsed. Many a time’s people don’t get awareness on this that what exactly is this ailment. Let us 1st understand what is rectal prolapsed.

If you are showing symptoms like pain in anal region, bleeding during or normally also from anal region, mucus discharge from anal region, feeling of something coming out from anus, fecal incontinence, etc. then you must be facing rectal prolapsed. Rectal prolapse occurs when part of the large intestine’s lowest section (rectum) slips outside the muscular opening at the end of the digestive tract (anus). The prolapsed rectum can also cause fecal incontinence.

Healing Hands Clinic offers a latest and innovative treatment known as STARR surgery for rectal prolapsed in India. Usually the STARR surgery procedure takes 30 mins. It is performed through natural anal route without any external cuts. The advantage of this treatment is that no dressing is required and you can be discharged within 24 hours of surgery and it is also covered under insurance.

So people who are facing monetary issues can also opt for cashless benefits for rectal prolapsed surgery. The biggest advantage post surgery is that there are no scars visible which most of the patients worried about. Post surgery rectal prolapsed surgeon advises pelvic floor physiotherapy for 3-6months for better recovery.

Healing Hands Clinic has a state of the art of infrastructure for pelvic floor physiotherapy. The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that attach to the front, back and sides of the pelvic bone and sacrum, they support the bladder , uterus , prostate and rectum , also form a wrap around the urethra, rectum and vagina ( in case of women ). HHC has its team of experts who take care of each and every patient on one on one basis as per patient’s convenience

All You Need to Know about Pilonidal Sinus

“Pilonidal Sinus“ is an Italian term, which means a nest of hair, highlighting the main cause of the disease – ingrown hair. It’s a less known ailment but is common among young generation, especially males between an age group of 20 to 30. A pilonidal cyst is a cystic structure developed along the coccyx region (tailbone) in the cleft of the buttocks, located almost 4-5 cm from the anus. This cyst is filled with hair, bacteria and skin debris.

Common Symptoms

More than one cyst may also develop, which later connect to each other by tunnels formed under the skin. It eventually forms an abscess. A patient suffers from a lot of pain and soreness in the particular body part. Even after pus discharge from the cyst, it continues to fill up with detritus leading to re-infection. One must see a Colorectal Surgeon well before the sinus becomes severe. If the cyst is infected, then pus is drained out and the patient experiences fever, pain & swelling in lower spinal region and warmth & redness in the affected skin.

There may not be any noticeable symptoms indicting the occurrence of a pilonidal sinus. As soon as a small dimple-like depression is developed on the skin in natal cleft, one should immediately seek for a doctor’s assistance. This dimple-like depression is infected later to develop into a cyst filled with abscess.

Males are most likely to suffer from pilonidal sinus. Let’s see what the risk factors are.

Family history
Profession demanding prolonged sitting or driving
Copious hair (hirsute)
Deep natal cleft

A pilonidal cyst is diagnosed by physical examination and prominent symptoms.

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment

If not infected, pilonidal sinus can be cured by medication. However, an infected sinus has to be treated by a surgery. Conventional surgery is performed under local anesthesia to remove all the debris and abscess from the cyst. However, recurrence is common, as it is estimated to occur in approximately 40%-50% of individuals. At Dr. Ashwin Porwal’s Healing Hands Clinic, Excision & Primary Closure are provided for successful pilonidal sinus treatment in and around Pune.

Maintaining hygiene in the sacrococcygeal area is critical to prevent pilonidal sinus. Keeping the area clean, dry and free of hair is the best preventive measure.

Treatment for Varicose veins

Varicose veins are gnarled, enlarged veins. Any vein may become varicose, but the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs and feet. That’s because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of your lower body. For many people, varicose veins and spider veins — a common, mild variation of varicose veins — are simply a cosmetic concern.

For other people, varicose veins can cause aching pain and discomfort. Sometimes varicose veins lead to more-serious problems. Diagnosis of varicose veins includes physical examination by your doctor. And if required and prescribed by your doctor you will be asked to undergo a small test known as Ultrasound for further diagnosis.

This test is used to check if valves in your veins are functioning normally or if there’s any evidence of a blood clot. Taking corrective actions on time for treatment of varicose veins is necessary else it may lead to severe conditions.

There is a myth that treatment of varicose veins involves surgery as the only option but these are not true. There is self care as an option for early varicose veins treatment. The self care involves exercising, losing weight, not wearing tight clothes, elevating your legs, and avoiding long periods of standing or sitting — can ease pain and prevent varicose veins from getting worse. And if this does not work there is a stocking available in market for treatment of varicose veins.

Compression stockings are worn all day. They steadily squeeze your legs, helping veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently. But getting the right size is very important hence consult a doctor first and then only move ahead.

There are surgical option also for severe varicose veins conditions like Sclerotherapy, Catheter-assisted procedures, Vein stripping, Ambulatory phlebectomy, Endoscopic vein surgery & many more.

But opt for Laser treatment for varicose veins which only requires 24 hours stay and a faster recovery rate.

Healing Hands Clinic is an Member of ECTA(Biennial Eurasian Colorectal Technologies Association), ESCP(European Society of Coloproctology), and ISO Certified. Dr. Ashwin Porwal & Dr. Paresh Gandhi are well known Varicose veins surgeon in Pune. Dr. Ashwin Porwal is a leading Consultant Colo-Procto Surgeon in Pune and HOD Proctology with Apollo Jehangir Hospital, Inamdar Hospital, Poona Hospital, Ruby Hall Clinic where he has successfully treated

most of his varicose veins patients and brought back their smiles with painless laser surgery for varicose veins treatment. Dr. Paresh Gandhi is a successful General Surgeon who has been performing large number of Three Dimensional Mesh Repair for Hernia in Pune, with expertise in hernia surgery without stitches & also well known for Varicose veins surgery in Pune.

Both Dr. Ashwin Porwal & Dr. Paresh Gandhi have a great in depth & experience on treatment for varicose veins.

Painless Piles Treatment

People are hesitant to openly discuss some topics in descent conversations; Piles is one such topic. Piles (Haemorrhoids in clinical terms) are commonly known as ‘Mulvyadh’ and ‘Bawaseer’ in vernacular terms. Since the ailment is associated with anorectal part of the body, most people tend to avoid visiting a doctor for primary symptoms such as anal itching, pricking, hard stools, fingering during passing of motions bleeding during bowel movements, and pain. But don’t be a silent sufferer, show to Piles doctor for your concerns. As it is rightly said prevention is better than cure. Meeting Piles doctors or a Piles surgeon can help you solve and overcome health issues.
There are many piles doctors in Pune, one of them is Dr. Ashwin Porwal a renowned Piles Surgeon in Pune. Dr. , Founder of HHC, Dr. Ashwin Porwal, is the best doctor for piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir) operation in pune specializes in STAPLER Surgery, which cures Piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir) permanenetly and assures least recurrence possibility. Ashwin Porwal is joined by a cadre of surgeons, physicians & nutritionists who are committed to “CURING WITH CARE”. As a top-notch Proctology Clinic (Piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir), Constipation, Fistula, Prolapse & Fissure) in India, our care spectrum also extends to chronic diseases prevalent in the society today. From preventive measures to palliative care, our services pay due attention to every aspect of patients well-being. Dr. Ashwin is founder of Healing Hands Clinic, Pune. Healing Hands Clinic specializes in the management of anorectal diseases (Piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir), Constipation, Fistula, Rectal Prolapse, Pilonidal Sinus) Hernia, Digestive Diseases & Varicose veins via both surgical and medicinal management methods.
Till a few years ago, the most popular piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir) treatment has been the conventional piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir) surgery, which treats them temporarily but does not assure to eliminate prolapse and cure permanently. Healing Hands Clinic has come up with an ideal, holistic approach to cure Piles, the most common lifestyle diseases affecting anorectal health of individuals. Starting with the combination of MCDPA – medication, constac (herbal laxative), diet & lifestyle modification, physiotherapy and Ayurveda, we escalate to complex treatment procedures, as the disease advances to severe stage. Other than this non surgical, we also provide surgical options which are painless procedure. Healing Hands Clinic, a piles clinic in Pune also offers, painless piles treatment procedure known as Stapler Surgery & latest laser surgery. With these method patient can be treated with only 24 hours of hospitalization. These methods involves blood free environment, less pain, no stitches, etc. Post-surgery also there is negligible pain and after 3 days patient can join the duty also.

Water an effective ingredient in Constipation treatment

Constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel movements a week. If treatment for constipation is not done on time it may lead to chronic constipation. Chronic constipation is infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools that persists for several weeks or longer. To be more specific, if still not taken care, constipation contributes to Piles (haemorrhoids) hence treatment for constipation on time is very necessary. Piles (Haemorrhoids) are painful, swollen veins in the anus and rectum which might trouble you during your pregnancy.

Many people avoid speaking about such issues/problems which they suffer from due to shyness, which is a human tendency. But don’t be a silent sufferer & get consulted to piles doctors as soon as you start observing changes in your daily bowel habit. There are many home remedies also available for constipation treatment. Are you aware of effectiveness of water in treatment of constipation? Water is very necessary to overcome constipation problem. The main problem of constipation is hard stools due to fewer intakes of fiber food or liquids or irregular eating habits. Water is important for your digestion. It keeps the food you eat moving along through your intestines and it keeps your intestines smooth and flexible, too. The more fluid intake the more is hard stools soft. Fruit and vegetable juices, clear soups, and herbal teas are also good sources of fluids. Over all this one point that an individual must understand is extra fluids help keep the stool soft and easy to pass, but drinking more liquids does not cure constipation.

Therefore, get consulted from an expert about your constipation treatment. Or even about your diet chart. Healing Hands Clinic (HHC), Pune is a well known hospital for constipation in Pune. Dr. Ashwin Porwal is the founder of Healing Hands Clinic & a renowned Colo-Rectal Surgeon in Pune. Healing Hands Clinic has started its journey from one small clinic in swargate but now enlarged its arms from Pune to Jaipur to Navi Mumbai with its franchises. There is an expert team available for your cure on constipation free pregnancy. There is an in house dietician & doctor’s team present at HHC to serve you to complete your joy of pregnancy with no tensions on constipation.

The more you follow your diet and exercise on daily basis you are away from your constipation problem. Hence, don’t bear your problem in silent but get consulted to a colo-rectal surgeon for faster recovery.

Innovative Treatment for Fistula

Many a times unless we suffer from a certain diseases we never get an idea of that disease. And even if we get through that symptom sometimes we don’t understand through which phase of diseases we are suffering from. Similarly, Anal Fistula (Bhagandar) is one of the ailments that most of the people suffer from but are not aware. Anal Fistula (Bhagandar) is an abnormal communication between the anus and perianal skin. Most anal fistulas are the result of an infection in an anal gland that spreads to the skin. The common symptoms of Fistula are extreme anal pain, Non-healing anal wounds, discharging boils formed near the anus, Pus & watery discharge along with fever and chills.

Based on the symptoms of fistula, it is diagnosed by Proctoscopy or MRI Fistulogram. Based on your medical reports, your doctors will advise you to undergo one of the following treatments:

1. VAAFT- Also known as Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment. It is an innovative technology for selected fistula cases only.

2. Ksharsutra- It is a traditional ayurvedic therapy.

3. Fistulectomy- The fistula tract is totally taken out using an advanced radiofrequency device under a strong light source.

4. FiLAC- It is known as Fistula Laser Closure. It’s a procedure performed with the help of the Leonardo Laser Device that gently and effectively cures the anal fistula and also prevents the damage to the sphincter.

Treatment of fistula on timely manner is very important to avoid the future complications. People have mis-conception that after surgery also the recovery and healing period last for years and years but this is not true. The healing & recovery period is relatively shorter via FiLac surgery. Dr. Ashwin Porwal is the 1st Fistula Surgeon in India to introduce the Filac surgery for the treatment of the fistula in Pune. Dr. Ashwin Porwal is also known as a fistula specialist & Colo rectal surgeon. He is the founder of Healing hands Clinic, Pune. He has performed & successfully treated more than 500 cases of FiLac in last one year which is highest in Asia Pacific.

Healing Hands Clinic in Pune is a Proctology (Piles, Constipation & Fistula) clinic along with Varicose Veins and Hernia treatment. Healing Hands Clinic is an ISO certified, ESCP recognized and a member of ECTA clinic in Pune. HHC is awarded as a centre of Excellence for Hernia treatment by Dr. John Murphy (Ex- President of American Hernia Society)