Anal Fissure Treatment: Myth Or Reality

Are you suffering from anal fissure and now are wondering if treating the ailment is a reality or a myth? Let’s have a quick below to find the solution to this worry.

Anal Fissure (Fissure-in-ano), one of the most common anorectal diseases, which are more or less concerned to an individual’s lifestyle practices. It’s more of a vicious cycle of painful constipation causing the anal sphincter muscles to go into spasms. This, in turn, leads to more pain and spasms. This cycle ultimately makes bowel movements extremely difficult and painful, worsening constipation. The treatment for curing anal fissure aims to break the same cycle of spasms of the anal sphincter and repeated tearing of the anoderms.

When it comes to treating anal fissure, various alternatives are recommended by fissure specialists. However, the initial treatments are often effective towards softening stools and preventing constipation. At Healing Hands Clinic, the best fissure clinic in Pune, we recommend a fissure patient to include fibre-rich foods in diet and increase the water & fluid intake. Moreover, This dietary modification is also supplemented by Constac – a herbal laxative prepared exclusively at HHC.

Another treatment approach for anal fissure is Sitz bath, simply sitting in warm water to allow your sphincter muscles relax. This procedure lessens the anal sphincter muscle spasms, if practiced regularly. Surgery is the ultimate treatment alternative recommended by most of fissure doctors, when fissure reaches a chronic stage.

Dr. Ashwin Porwal‘s Healing Hands Clinic provides novel fissure treatment in Pune, in contrast to conventional interventions. We offer an innovative Ayurvedic oil therapy in 5-6 sessions, continuing for 10-15 minutes. Subjecting a fissure to this treatment for about seven successive days can be an effective treatment to cure the ailment. If none of the treatment alternatives works out to be successful, HHC recommends a painless procedure – Laser (Radiofrquency) fissure surgery.

In a nutshell, treatment for anal fissure is not a myth; in fact, a range of treatments is available but 100% cure cannot be assured by all of them.

Put a Full Stop to ODS: Adopt STARR Surgery

‘Constipation’ can be symptomatic or asymptomatic at times. However, it’s a fact that many people are reluctant to discuss constipation symptoms even with their family doctor and prefer to try out home remedies even after noticing clear symptoms of Constipation. Visiting a doctor is overlooked, which may later take the ailment to a further severe stage. If not treated on time, this most common lifestyle disease can potentially acquire a chronic status.

ODS Treatment at Healing Hands Clinic

Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS) is a type of Chronic Constipation, which compels a patient to excessively strain to defecate. The symptoms include repetitive urge to pass stools, prolonged time taken to pass stools, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Manual digitations, regularly use of laxatives or enema are common among patients suffering from ODS.

The most common treatment alternatives preferred to cure Constipation patients includes symptomatic care, medication and dietary modifications. However, dietary manipulation and medication don’t always cure the ailment to its core. Most of the times, it’s just a temporary relief from Constipation. “Healing Hands Clinic, Pune“ is a promising centre for anorectal disease care & cure for patients across the globe. We believe in serving patients beyond mere medication and focus on providing a permanent solution.

STARR Surgery, A Permanent Solution to Chronic Constipation

“STARR Surgery“ makes use of two surgical staplers removing the excess rectal tissue and the deformities ultimately causing Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS). Since it’s a minimally invasive procedure performed through the anus, no incisions, cuts, wounds or any visible scars are involved. The hospitalization period of 24 hours is relatively shorter as compared to conventional surgery and even the recovery period after discharge is 3-5 days.

Dr. Ashwin Porwal is the one who first introduced the latest & innovative technology MRI Defecography to diagnose ODS in India. He has introduced a novel painless surgery to permanently cure Chronic Constipation STARR (Stapled Trans Anal Rectal Resection) Surgery. Additionally, Dr. Ashwin Porwal has pursued an international level training from Dr Antonio Longo (world renowned Colorectal Surgeon) in Proctology and is one of the four experts in India performing STARR Surgery.

Curing With Care at Healing Hands Clinic

Curing With Care at Healing Hands Clinic

Curing With Care at HHC… A comprehensive care center for Piles, Constipation, hernia & prevention of various Lifestyle Diseases; Healing Hands Clinic provides the most advanced diagnostic techniques, surgical and medical management options and wellness plans to enable timely prevention.

HHC was the first centre to introduce STARR Surgery for Chronic Constipation & MRI Defecography for its diagnosis. Our founder Dr Ashwin Porwal is joined by a cadre of surgeons, physicians & nutritionists.

Laser treatment for Pilonidal Sinus

It is always advised to take a proper exercise on time to avoid in future ill health and to grow your immune system. Mostly people who are adaptable to sedentary lifestyle are prone to low immunity and are people suffering from most of the ailments. Science has revealed that even if you have a sedentary lifestyle you should always walk a little in every 1-2 hour for better health. Intake of water in every 2 hours is recommended for good digestion and health maintenance.

One of the major ailments that mostly sedentary people are affected is known as Pilonidal Sinus. Pilonidal Sinus occurs mostly due to prolonged sitting but is not the only reason, being overweight (obesity), a previous persistent irritation or injury to the affected area, having a hairy, deep natal cleft and a family history of the condition.

Pilonidal Sinus is an abnormal pocket in the skin that usually contains hair and skin debris. If your are facing from symptoms like external sinus opening seen at the base of spine between the buttocks, Pus discharge from the lump on lower back, history of recurrent swelling & abscess on lower back and Fever, pain.

There are some causes which add to this ailment like lack of cleanliness in sacral region, over sweating, improper sitting style and twisting of hairs below skin causing infection to hair root. A proper treatment on time is hence very necessary to overcome this ailment as more delay you make in treatment the more infection spreads causing a deeper duct in tail bone area.

If the Sinus is at just its beginning then a Pilonidal Sinus doctor will advice you some antibiotics but if the Sinus is an infected one surgery is advised. Treatment for Pilonidal sinus in Pune is now available at Healing Hands Clinic, Pune (Upcoming in Navi Mumbai, Chinchwad & Chakan).

Healing Hands Clinic is founded by Dr. Ashwin Porwal ( Colo-rectal Surgeon) who has introduced laser treatment for Pilonidal Sinus for the 1st time in India. Irrespective of other treatment the laser treatment is the best option as it provides a blood free environment, negligible pain, faster recovery, no stitches involved, no dressing required and discharge within 6-8 hours of the surgery.

Healing Hands Clinic is a Member of ECTA, ESCP, and ISO Certified and India’s First Proctology Clinic with MRI Defecography is One-Stop Clinic for Pilonidal SinusTreatment in Pune. (Opening soon in Chinchwad, Chakan and Navi mumbai).

Healing Hands Clinic (HHC) specializes in the management of anorectal diseases (Piles (Mulvyadh/Bavasir), Constipation, Fistula(Bhagandar), Rectal Prolapse, Pilonidal Sinus) Hernia, Digestive Diseases & Varicose veins via both surgical and medicinal management methods.HHC is also awarded as centre of Excellence by Dr. John Murphy (Ex-President American Hernia Society).

Dr. Ashwin Porwal to Present Extensive Research Work in ESCP’s 9th Scientific & Annual Meeting

European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) is an organisation committedly serving for advancement & promotion of science, knowledge and coloproctology practice .

On September 24, 25 & 26, 2014, ESCP is organising its 9th Scientific & Annual Meeting in Barcelona. This meeting will focus on a new enhanced educational program for specialists and trainees.
Dr. Ashwin Porwal, a renowned colorectal surgeon across India and the founder of Healing Hands Clinic, Pune, will be one of the participants & presenters in the ESCP’s 9th Scientific & Annual Meeting. Based on his extensive research and professional experience, Dr. Porwal will present four research papers on September 24 & 26, 2014.

Improved Patient Satisfaction and Reduced Recurrences after STARR Surgery for Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome (SRUS)
Dates of presentation: Wednesday, 24 to Friday, 26 September 2014

Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy – Successful Results from Case Series of 3000 Patients Treated at a Single Center in India
Date of presentation: Friday, 26 September 2014

Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection (STARR) for Management of Rectal prolapse Largest Case Series Published
Dates of presentation: Wednesday, 24 to Friday, 26 September 2014

STARR Surgery in ODS: a Comparative Analysis between Published Studies and the Case Series of 278 Patients Operated at India’s Largest Proctology Clinic
Date of presentation: Wednesday, 24 to Friday, 26 September 2014
Posters will be displayed for the duration of the meeting.
the link for ESCP –

Single-Dose Oritavancin in the Treatment of Acute Bacterial Skin Infections

The published paper – Single-Dose Oritavancin in the Treatment of Acute Bacterial Skin Infections illustrates the highlights of the study and its results. Dr. Ashwin Porwal was an important part of the team who conducted research on this topic. He is among the first authors of this scientific paper published in the journal The New England Journal of Medicine.

In this research study, 63 patients with more than 90% patient compliance were involved. Those patients were classified in to wound infection, cellulitis and major cutaneous abscess.

Mulvyadh Treatment in Pune


‘Piles’, clinically known as ‘Haemorrhoids’ and vernacularly known as ‘Mulvyadh’ in Maharashtra, are inflamed blood vessels located near the anal opening, causing the lining of the anal canal to slide down. Piles appear as small lumps formed on the surface of the anus inside the back passage. When the pressure on anal blood vessels increases, they swell and enlarge to form small lumps i.e. Haemorrhoids. They can develop inside or outside the anus, according to which they are classified as internal and external haemorrhoids.

Suffering from piles is painful and equally embarrassing. Many people try out conventional home remedies rather than consulting a physician about primary symptoms. Most of Piles cases cure within a few days without medication and further surgical intervention. However, home remedies may not always be helpful in curing the ailment. It’s better to visit a specialist, if home remedies don’t seem to deliver positive results and piles recurrently develop.

There’s nothing to feel awkward, if you are suffering from Haemorrhoids because it’s one of the most common lifestyle diseases. As soon as you notice any symptom indicating the occurrence of Piles, it’s advisable to discuss the same with a Colorectal Surgeon.

Common Symptoms of Piles

Anal itching & recurrent bleeding
Mucus discharge
Painful & strained bowel movements
Dragging sensation in the back passage
Sliding down of the anal parts
According to the extent and inflammation, Haemorrhoids are classified in four stages. The symptoms and treatment alternatives become complex, as the ailment worsens from Grade I to Grade IV. When diagnosed in Grade I or II, Piles can be cured by home remedies, medication, physiotherapy and dietary modifications. However, it’s difficult to cure it in Grade III & IV without surgical intervention.

Detection of Piles

Piles can be diagnosed through physical examination and in some cases, advanced diagnostic techniques such as Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy need to be performed

Dr. Ashwin Porwal has successfully performed more than 40,000 stories of piles treatment and surgeries in Pune, Chinchwad, Chakan and Navi Mumbai. Read here what our patients feel after treatment…

Mulvyadh Treatment


Healing Hands Clinic

Surgical Treatment

When diagnosed in Grade III or Grade IV, surgical intervention is recommended. In contrary to the conventional, painful open Piles surgery, HHC offers the latest & innovative technology to cure Piles STAPLER Surgery. It’s a minimally invasive, painless procedure involving a unique stapling technique that pushes inflamed anal blood vessels back in their original position. It’s a day care procedure and a patient is discharged in a day. Faster recovery and guaranteed cure are the key benefits of STAPLER Surgery.

Prevention of Piles is quite easy follow regular physical exercise, eat healthy & fibre-rich diet, drink plenty of fluids, and sufficient sound sleep. Daily life hassles might make it difficult to follow a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Ashwin Porwal’s Healing Hands Clinic offers a complete range of health care services regarding lifestyle diseases including diagnosis, treatment and dietary consultation.

Read more about Piles/Mulvyadh treatment, surgery…

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Address –
Healing Hands Clinic,
4th Floor,Millenium Star
Extension, Above KFC
Restaurant, Adjacent to Ruby Hall
Entrance Gate, Dhole Patil Road,
Pune – 411001
Tel: 020-6164488/99

High Fiber Diet- Taking a huge leap away from Hemorrhoids

High Fiber Diet for Piles

Urban cities are offering global cuisine, with fast food joints gaining maximum popularity. Even local fast food/street food joints are buzzing. Traditional home-made food is taking a backstage owing to busy lifestyles of professionals both young and old. “Eating out” is an important part of socialization. Besides, when there is no time to cook, processed and packaged products may appear to be saviors. Be warned! While you are busy chasing your careers, these foods act as wolves in sheepskin.
Hemorrhoids or Bawaseer is an increasing health concern in India. About 4.7 % Indians are affected by hemorrhoids, and the percentage is on the rise.Nearly 10 lakh new cases are reported annually. It is no big surprise especially with the changing trends in food intake. A diet lacking in fiber and erratic dietary habits can cause constipation which is directly linked to hemorrhoids.
Dietary fiber is the indigestible part of food which is derived from the plant source. It has several beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal system as follows:

It adds volume to the food and gives satiety.

It absorbs water and helps to soften the stools as a result.

It quickens the passage of food which helps in defecation.

It adds bulk to the stool and therefore helps prevent constipation.

It helps maintain the pH level of the gastrointestinal system.

It is known to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Role of Herbal Remedies in Curing Piles, Constipation and Hernia

In this age of globalization and modernization, do you know that around 80% of the Asian and African population still uses traditional herbal medicines rather than modern medicines, when it comes to primary healthcare? It’s a fact proven in a global level survey, which also highlights that more number of developed nations are moving towards adopting traditional medicine system. This not only underlines sheer effectiveness and popularity of herbal remedies but also raises the question – do herbal remedies really play an important role in treating various ailments? The answer is YES.

Let’s now emphasize the use of traditional herbal medicines in India. Being known best for its traditional medicinal systems — Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani; India has been successfully using herbal remedies since ages. The literal meaning of Ayurveda is “science of life”, rather “science of longevity”. Traditional ayurvedic medicines are proved to play a vital role in curing a large number diseases till date. As far as anorectal diseases are concerned, herbal remedies turn out to be excellent over painful surgical treatments.

Herbal Remedies for Piles

• Triphala – a compound of three fruits
• Chamomile or calendula – a topical herbal compress
• Aloe Vera – a common medicinal plant for topical or oral usage
• Raddish – can be effective in any form

Herbal Remedies for Constipation

• Constac – a clinically proven effective, non habit forming, high-fibre herbal laxative developed by Healing Hands Clinic
• Aloe Vera – Fresh juice or gel
• Dandelion – dried leaves or powder in a cup of hot water
• Flaxseeds – crushed seeds
• Barley
• Fenugreek

Herbal Remedies for Hernia

• Licorice root
• Ginger root
• Chamomile
• Marshmallow root
• Hawthornia – mixed with citrus seeds and fennel
• Shepherd’s purse

“Ensuring Wellness through Nature’s Mystery” is the zeal that Healing Hands Clinic is involved in. Our “Healing Hands Herbs” is actively involved in innovation of Herbal formulations. Our herbal formulations have been playing a pioneering role in revolutionizing the ancient knowledge with modern research and techniques. Under the guidance of highly qualified and experienced Ayurvedic scientists, Healing Hands Herbs offers a wide range of Pure and 100% safe herbal products.


Gastroscopy – Diagnostic Examination
Gastroscopy – Diagnostic Examination

Gastroscopy is a procedure that visualizes and examines the upper part of the digestive tract by a long, thin and flexible tube with camera called endoscope. Without any incision this procedure successfully carried out to see whether there is any damage to the lining of the upper part of digestive tract. The patient is