PHYSIOTHERAPY!! Oh God!! With a sigh is the very common reaction of people when they are advised to go for it. To lot many people, it seems to be like a burden, but to stay fit you need to look upon your fitness. To very less of the population it is known that physiotherapy is also to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and thus control your anorectal ailments like obstructed defecation syndrome, pelvic floor dyssynergia, stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapsed.
An advantage of these exercises are that they can even be done during your pregnancy and even after that and have a significant role in keeping you fit during your special times and here at Healing Hands Clinic we help you to stay fit, guiding you towards the best under the guidance of Dr Ashwin Porwal, consultant proctosurgeon (proctologist) and his team.
We are always there for you, rendering are best to you.