Studies suggest that by age 50, about half the population has experienced one or more symptoms of Piles. These include itching, bleeding on passing stools, pain and prolapse (where a mass is felt in the anal area). Piles aka Hemorrhoids can significantly disturb well-being of an individual.
● Long standing constipation
● Hard stools
● Pregnancy
● Excessive straining during defecation
● Chronic cough
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins of the rectum and anus. When veins of the lower rectum swell, they are called Internal Hemorrhoids, which are typically associated with painless bleeding. When the swelling occurs in veins under the skin around the anus, they are called External Hemorrhoids and cause considerable discomfort.
Proctology is a specialty of medicine that deals with conditions like piles, fissure, fistula, constipation, pilonidal sinus etc. Healing Hands Clinic founded by Dr Ashwin Porwal aims to provide cutting-edge treatment for these conditions. Hemorrhoids are treated depending upon their grade. Grade 1 which is the earliest stage is treated holistically by MCDPA, which is a combination of herbal medicines, pelvic floor physiotherapy and dietary changes. Grade 2 and 3 are associated with mass coming out of the anal opening which goes back spontaneously or with manipulation respectively. These grades are treated using Diode Laser by a technique called Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty. Laser provides a quick, effective and safe treatment option. When the disease reaches grade 4, the protruded mass (prolapse) remains outside the body. At this stage, Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy is done. Stapler surgery ensures complete removal of protruding mass and leaves no chance for recurrence. When done by an expert, these procedures don’t harm the anal sphincter, thus control over motion remains intact. Patient can go home within 24 hours and get back to routine work by 3rd day.
For appointments:
Healing Hands Clinic
Website: www.healinghandsclinic.co.in
Email: info@healinghandsclinic.co.in